Premiere - Native American Style F Flute
Our Premiere model Native American style flute in the key of F have a deep and haunting voice. They have the same fingering hole placement as our F# flutes, but they are made in a 1 inch bore diameter rather then a 7/8 inch. This makes them a little more difficult to play, so they might not be a good choice for someone who is just learning to play the flute.
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Elevate Your Flute Playing with the Key of F and its Soothing Low Tones
Our Premiere Native American F flute is tuned to the pentatonic minor scale in the key of F which means the highest and lowest notes on this flute will play the key of F (not including overblow notes). These are medium sized flutes measuring 25 inches long (63.5 CM), with a larger bore diameter than the keys of A, G, and F#. The finger hole placement is the same on the key of F and the key of F# flutes, but the key of F flutes are larger around making them a little harder to play. This is a wonderful key for advancing from the above-mentioned keys and preparing your hands for the lower sounding flutes. The key of F has a deep and soothing voice.

Stellar Native American Flute Fingering Cart Key of F
In the chart below you will see three scales that you can play on a six hole Native American style key of F flute.
If you play every note pictured, you will be playing one octave and three notes of the “chromatic scale”. This scale takes a lot pf practice and we usually recommend you learn other scales first. This is all the notes your flute will play. The top three notes are achieved by blowing much harder and some flutes will not play the highest note pictured. The notes of the chromatic scale in the key of F are: F,F#,G, G#, A, A#, B C, C#, D, D#, E, F
The shaded columns represent one octave of the “pentatonic minor scale”, this is the most common scale you hear people use for the Native flute. It is the easiest scale to play and the one we suggest you start with. These notes sound good in any order. The notes of the pentatonic minor scale in the key of F are: F,G#,A#,C,D#,F
The columns with a * above them represent one octave of the “diatonic major scale”. This scale takes a little more work to memorize, but it is very useful for playing popular music. The notes of the diatonic major scale in the key of F are: F,G,A,A#,C,D,E,F

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